Top 10 ways to make money online

Top 10 ways to make thousands of
Dollars online even in this recession


Category: business & news

Do you know that even with this recession and
extreme poverty in Nigeria, there are people who
are still very buoyant financially and even make
more money at this time and NO, I’m not talking
about MMM or other get rich schemes.
The extreme dollar to Naira exchange rate we are all
shouting about is music to their ears because they earn
their money in Dollars, Euros, Pounds and other hard
currencies. You must be wondering who these people
are, well they are the Internet Entrepreneurs or
Internet Business men and women i.e. people who
make money online through the internet.
Some of these internet gurus make hundreds of
thousands of dollars and even millions of dollars
yearly, some of them without spending a dime by just
sitting down at home with a laptop and an internet
connection. You might be asking yourself how these
internet gurus make so much money for free; well this
article on the top 10 ways to make money online from
home with zero capital has you in mind. There are
several ways to make money online from anywhere
you are in the world including Nigeria.
The top 10 ways to make money online are:
1. Blogging
2. Affiliate Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Vlogging i.e. Making and Uploading Videos on
YouTube and other platforms
5. Freelancing
6. Teaching Online
7. Creating mobile apps
8. Mini-importation
9. Selling your products on ecommerce platforms such
as Konga and Jumia
10. Web design and development
These ten different ways to make money online are
discussed in detail here but please know that they are
not ways to get rich quick. People who have succeeded
online are people who have dedicated their time and
resources combined with a very high level of patience
and hard-work.
There are many other ways to make money online also
such as building and running an e-commerce website,
Digital marketing, Resume/Cover Letter Writing and
Editing, e-book sales, Bitcoin , Forex, etc.


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